Welcome to Son N. Nguyen's Homepage

Son Nguyen 

Son N. Nguyen, Ph.D.
Department of Bioinformatics
UTSouthwestern Medical Center
Email: Son dot Nguyen at UTSouthwestern dot edu

Son N. Nguyen completed his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Arlington. He graduated from B.E. program in December 2012 at Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology. During his Ph.D., he was a member of the Image Processing and Neural Networks lab at The University of Texas at Arlington, under the supervision of Prof. Michael T Manry. His major research areas include neural network training algorithms design, computer vision, deep learning and medical images.

What's new

Research Interest

  • Medical imaging

  • Neural network training: algorithms design using second order methods

  • Convolutional Neural network for images classification

  • Data mining, find patterns in data

  • Software Engineering


Working Experience

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, UTSouthwestern Medical Center, Nov 2019-Present

  • Software Engineer, TMA Solutions, April 2012 - June 2013


  • Son Nguyen, K.Tyagi, and M.T.Manry, “Partially Affine Invariant Back Propagation.” The 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016), IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, July 2016 (link)

  • S.Auddy, K.Tyagi, Son Nguyen and M.T.Manry, “Discriminant Vector Transformations in Neural Network Classifiers” The 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016), IEEE, Vancouver, Canada, July 2016 (link)

  • P.Kheirkhah, K.Tyagi, Son Nguyen, and M.T.Manry, “Structural adaption for sparsely connected MLP using Newton’s method.” The 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017), IEEE, Anchorage, AK, USA, May 2017. (link)

  • Son Nguyen, M.D.Robinson, M.T.Manry, “Multistep Newton Training in Feedforward Neural Networks.” Neural Processing Letters (Under review).

  • K.Tyagi, Son Nguyen, R.Rawat, M.T.Manry, “Second-order training and sizing for the multilayer perceptron.” Neural Processing Letters (2019): 1-29 (link).

  • Son Nguyen, M.T.Manry, “Balanced gradient training in back propagation.” Neural Processing Letters (Under review)


Teaching assistant at The University of Texas at Arlington for:

  • Embedded Microcontroller (EE5314), Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019

  • Circuit Analysis (EE2320), Summer 2018

  • Digital Signal Processing (EE5350), Spring 2016

  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning (EE5353), Fall 2015, Fall 2016

  • Statistical Pattern Recognition (EE5357), Summer 2016

Award and Honors

  • 2019, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Graduate Fellowship Endowment Engineering

  • Summer 2019, dissertation fellowship. The fellowship funds all of the tuition and living expenses for my last semester as a Ph.D. student.

  • Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) fellowship, cohort 2013. Sponsored and funded by the U.S. government, the fellowship brings Vietnamese students to the U.S. to study graduate programs. I am one of the 40 chosen students in 2013.